The Moe Berg Collection
Moe Berg’s private collection of baseball cards, graded by SGC. This collection, spanning the years 1933-1940, was obtained in August of 2006 from the trustee of Berg’s estate.
A Legacy of Great Traditions
At BMW Sportscards, we appreciate the great traditions that have evolved from the four, major, uniquely North American sports.
The formal, organized Institution of sports in both Canada and the United States stretches back over a century with many historians dating the origins of the National Pastime of America to the 1840s. Much has changed since the earliest years. Rules have been greatly modified. Uniforms have become more sophisticated in their constitution and use. Codes of expected conduct have changed. But one constant remains–the way that we remember our sports heroes and the methods by which they are immortalized through pictures and cherished remnants of the game.
Moe Berg’s private collection of baseball cards, graded by SGC. This collection, spanning the years 1933-1940, was obtained in August of 2006 from the trustee of Berg’s estate.
Details17 different C55 proofs have been discovered and are encapsulated by SGC and PSA. To date, they are the only C55 proof cards known.
DetailsWe are active purveyors of rare or unusually high-quality sports cards and memorabilia. If you have something you would like us to see or are interested in learning about our consignment program, please contact us.
Hockey Card History
March 19, 2014
When George Kennedy, owner of Parkhurst Products, began printed production of post World War II hockey cards issued with bubble gum, the dominant team in the National Hockey league was the Toronto Maple Leafs. During the early 1950s, this torch was passed to the Detroit Red Wings until the Montreal Canadiens began their half decade […]
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