Our Philosophy
At BMW Sportscards, we appreciate the great traditions that have evolved from the four, major, uniquely North American sports. The formal, organized Institution of sports in both Canada and the United States stretches back over a century with many historians dating the origins of the National Pastime of America to the 1840s.
Much has changed since the earliest years. Rules have been greatly modified. Uniforms have become more sophisticated in their constitution and use. Codes of expected conduct have changed. But one constant remains—the way that we remember our sports heroes and the methods by which they are immortalized through pictures and cherished remnants of the game.
We have had the privilege of buying and selling these mementos—vintage sports cards and memorabilia—for over 20 years. During this time, we have traveled throughout North America, looking at collections that had been lost to the hobby for decades and interacting with thousands of enthusiastic collectors at dozens of different venues across both Canada and the United States. The knowledge that we have accumulated and the collection we have amassed is presented, in part, on this website. And whether it’s a $100,000 purchase or a 30-minute telephone consultation, our goal is to always put the customer first.
So take a look. We have added some new features to our inventory lists that distill the informational complexities of different series into a more palpable form. Our hope is that you’ll find not only great value in what we have to offer but take great enjoyment in remembering a time and place where legends live forever.